On this page
This challenge is solved by my teammate, Jin_707
. This writeup is written by Jin_707
At first to spawn up our instance, use the curl
command given and get the token(?) I’m not sure and input into the web app, then an instance will be spawned.
At first we get two files for this challenge which is the setup.sol
, and gurl.sol
. gurl.sol
shows that a passphrase is needed, but it was hashed with keccak256, with the strings exposed to us “warlocksmurf wants your ethereum” hence we can get the passphrase hash with
cast keccak256 "warlocksmurf wants your ethereum"
The cast function is in foundry library so need to install beforehand.
Then the after job are all left to ChatGPT :P
The structure is:
cast send --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --private-key <Private_Key> \
<Gurl_Contract_Address> \
"claim(bytes32)" <CALCULATED_PASSPHRASE> --value 0.01ether
<Gurl_Contract_Address> can be retrieved with (if not mistaken)
cast call --rpc-url <RPC_URL> <Setup_Contract> "challengeInstance()"
cast call --rpc-url "" 0x96C00Add89E8CfCf9A24ebaC87F451320e36109D "challengeInstance()"
Final payload:
cast send --rpc-url "" --private-key "0x706a4b015198be83bb202233599aeeb05154df1c857fcbd8fed8dacb1f028113" \ 0xb9faff827508b69964f2d7d3b2cd8472b45a7d62 \
"claim(bytes32)" 0x664d69aa67c4e6ca7b6b9b5a6e89b9bd5ff0e22b21211b244d0f80dce07c1bf3 --value 0.01ether