Enumeration and Escalation

A basic B2R machine for beginners.

Task 1


We found an IP address associated with Flaming Donkey. Scan the IP to see what service they are implementing. What are the open ports?


nmap -p- -A -T4 

-A is the combination of -O, -sC and -sV. By running this simple command, we can scan all the open ports on this IP address.

Answer: 21,22,5000

Task 2


Check out the ports found in your nmap scan. Which services take a username and password? Which port contains a website you can enumerate? Inspect the website, what can you find? What is the username’s password?


Port 5000 is running a website. By viewing the source code we will be able to see the comment stating that the password of the user carl is in /ftppasswords.

Browsing to /ftppasswords shows a list of passwords. We can download the list for later using the command below:


We can then use hydra and provide username carl using -l and brute force the password using -P by providing the password list.

hydra -l carl -P ftppasswords

This command will connect to FTP service as user carl and brute force the passwords in ftppasswords to find the correct password.

Answer: carlisdabomb

Task 3


Now that we have a username and password, log into the ftp server. Look around, be nosy, read the messages. What is the name of the directory where the login page is found?


Use ls to list the files and directories in the FTP server and we can see that there are 3 text files in it. We can then use get <file> to download each of the file to our attacker machine.

From those files, we know that user carl reuses his password somewhere. Other than that, we also get a list of hidden directories which one of them might be the login page. Therefore, we need to brute force the directory in order to get the correct directory name.

We can use dirb by providing the wordlist hiddenDirectories.txt to brute force the directory. Scanning result with status code 200 shows the correct directory of the website has been found.

Answer: 9z5hjiUuMobNIwbh0CS2

Task 4


What is the password for Randy?


From Task 3, once we get the correct directory name, we can then login as carl, which will redirect us to the page below.

From this page we know that user randy has a password which is also taken from the password list. However the password is hashed into MD5 format. Therefore, we can create a script to convert the password list ftppasswords into MD5 hash, and compare with Randy’s password to find the correct password.

import hashlib

# Your provided MD5 hash
target_hash = "07b832e822ffe44d9c0eb4acda78388a"

def hash_passwords(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            # Remove newline and whitespace
            password = line.strip()
            # Convert the password to an MD5 hash
            hashed_password = hashlib.md5(password.encode()).hexdigest()
            # Compare the hash to the target hash
            if hashed_password == target_hash:
                return  # Exit after finding the first match


With the help of ChatGPT, I’ve created a simple python script to do this. By running the python script, we can get the correct password in plaintext.

Answer: straightcashhomie84

Task 5


What is the number found in decrypt.txt?


Once we get the password for user randy, we can use the credentials to connect to SSH using the command below and provide the password after the prompt:

ssh randy@

Then we can do basic privilege escalation by running the command sudo -l to see the sudo privileges of Randy.

Therefore, we can visit GTFOBinsto get the command to be used to generate a root shell.

Lastly, we can use find command to search recursively from root / directory to find a file named decrypt.txt.

💡 2>/dev/null is used to disregard any error messages so that those error messages will not flood our screen which might make it harder to find the successful result.

Answer: 292416966271042510263